
Putting our heads together.



Comunidad en NaNLABS – Espacio de Coworking en La Plata

Para emprendedores con ganas de trabajar en un ambiente colaborativo.

Abrimos nuestro espacio de Coworking en La Plata. Un espacio de trabajo distendido y colaborativo. Ofrecemos internet de alta velocidad, salas de reunión, puestos fijos y rotativos y planes a medida!

Web Technologies


Scaled images in React Native

How to scale images in React Native keeping the proportions and not affecting UX

Working with Images in React Native is quite common, but what can we do when those images have different dimensions and have to fit into a box? React Native Scaled Image is the module for you. It can scale the images without impacting view rendering.

Web Technologies


Native extensions for NodeJS

Step by step guide to understand the core concepts and build a first extension.

This article is intended for those looking to develop a first native extension with NodeJS. First, we’ll look into the concepts that are important to understand to get started. Later, I will show how to build our first native extension with a practical example. And finally, I will leave some links to read more about it



LaPlataJS Meetup – Coming up next Saturday 17th

Getting started with microservices and Building an SPA with React and GraphQL

Join LaPlataJS community for its next meetup on March 17, 2018. The agenda: Microservices 4 real and How to build an SPA with React and GraphQL using the Wordpress API. The idea is for the community to get together and share experiences, discuss and share info about what is going on in the JS world. More info here!



Creativity in Software Development

Workshop to develop creative skills

As designers and developers, creativity is at the center of our work. This is why we believe we should continuously develop our creative skills, both as individuals and as a team. This Creativity workshop is an example of discussions and activities that can be organized to foster creativity in a software company!

Web Technologies


Async actions handling with redux-thunk

Using redux-thunk to work with asynchronicity

Working with async actions in Redux can be troublesome, there are many actions and reducers that fire up incorrectly, so here is a short and concise tutorial to start working with redux-thunk and handling async actions in Redux, complete with code samples and repository that you can use as boilerplate for your projects



First Ruby Open-meetup of 2018

A totally new meetup format with lightning talks and open discussions is coming!

Join us for the first 2018 open meetup of the Ruby Community in La Plata. We have deliberately not defined an agenda to give everyone the possibility to ask questions, share experiences or just listen to what is going on in the Ruby world. Here is all the practical info to join us on March 9, 2018 in NaNLABS office.



A clean approach to deferred authentication in Android

Test driving authentication flow in a public-to-read / private-to-write application.

It is common for an app to need users to be authenticated to generate content. But from a user perspective, sign-up as the first screen feels kind of forceful. Why not let the users in, and only ask them to login for advanced interaction? Let’s test-drive this solution.