Extend your software teams with the right talent

Experience the transformative power of our custom staffing solutions, and build the A-team that will propel your business forward.

Why NaNLABS Staffing Rocks

At NaNLABS, we are not just about filling roles; we assemble dream teams that amplify your software development capabilities. Here's why teaming up with us is a game-changer:

  • Strategic Talent Acquisition: With a vast network of tech experts in Latin America, we're equipped to find the right professionals for even the most specialized roles. Whether you need front-end developers proficient in React.js or back-end engineers skilled in Python, we have the expertise to source and vet candidates efficiently.

  • Personalized Talent Curation: Your project is unique, and so are the skill sets required. Our team of staffing experts dives into your project's specific needs, tailoring the recruitment process to find candidates who possess not only the technical skills you're looking for but also fit seamlessly into your team culture.

  • Agile Scaling and Flexibility: Whether you're ramping up for a new project or scaling down after a release, our staffing solutions offer the flexibility to adapt to your project's evolving needs. Looking for a full-time team member, a short-term contractor, or a specialized consultant? We've got you covered.

  • Industry Insights and Trends: Our squad stays ahead of the curve, keeping abreast of industry trends, emerging technologies, and evolving best practices. We gather insights so we make sure that you get exactly the talents you need, and start envisioning your dream team for future success. 

  • Transparent Communication and Collaboration: Together, let’s build a strong partnership based  on open communication and shared goals. From regular progress updates to collaborative problem-solving, we're committed to keeping you informed and involved every step of the way.

  • Risk Mitigation and Compliance: With stringent vetting processes and compliance checks, we mitigate the risks associated with hiring and ensure that all candidates adhere to industry standards and regulations, giving you peace of mind. 

I've been very impressed with the individual engineers and their commitment to understanding the needs and desires of the project as a whole. They all show a desire to build quality solutions, not just execute the work.

Brett HannaSVP Engineering, Artifact Uprising

Having the right people on your team can make all the difference in the success of your software projects. Our staffing solutions go beyond matching skills to roles; we're dedicated to finding the perfect fit for your team and your project. 

Here's what makes our staffing services legendary:

  • Comprehensive Talent Assessment: Our rigorous screening process evaluates not only technical skills but also soft skills, cultural fit, and alignment with your project goals. Our holistic approach to talent assessment guarantees that every candidate  Is both qualified and a great fit for your team.

  • Continuous Talent Development: Stay at the forefront of innovation with candidates who are continuously trained. From learning resources to training and mentorship programs, we actively invest in our talents' growth.  

  • Dedicated Account Management: Benefit from a seamless experience with a dedicated account manager who can  address any concerns or challenges that arise. 

  • Scalable Solutions for Any Project Size: Whether you're a startup looking to build a development team from scratch or an enterprise needing specialized expertise for a specific project, our staffing solutions are scalable to meet your needs. From individual contractors to full project teams, we have the resources and flexibility to support your project regardless of its size and complexity.

  • Quality Assurance and Performance Monitoring: Our commitment to quality doesn't end with the hiring process. We continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of our candidates, soliciting feedback from both clients and candidates to ensure that expectations are being met and exceeded.

  • Long-term Partnerships for Continued Success: We're not just interested in filling roles; we're committed to your long-term success. Let’s build a strong relationship based on trust, transparency, and mutual respect so you don’t have to worry about meeting your staffing needs again. 

Frequently Asked Questions Staffing

  • What is the difference between staffing and staff augmentation?

    Staffing refers to the process of filling specific roles within an organization for a predetermined term while staff augmentation (also known as Team Augmentation) refers to integrating additional experts to work with your in-house team for a specific project.

  • What makes NaNLABS different from other staffing agencies?

    At NaNLABS, we don't just match skills; we forge bonds. Our secret? The NaNLABS Way, our approach that blends customization, deep industry expertise, and commitment to your long-term success.  We're not just recruiters; we're your trusted allies on the battlefield of software development.

  • How do you ensure that candidates are the right fit for our project?

    Our rigorous selection process goes beyond resumes and interviews. Each candidate undergoes comprehensive assessments to ensure they match your technical needs, fit your culture, and align with your goals. We believe in quality over quantity, ensuring every member of our guild is a perfect fit for your quest.

  • Can we count on you to adapt to our changing needs?

    Absolutely! Agility is in our DNA. Whether you need to scale up, pivot directions, or explore new technologies, we're ready to adapt swiftly to your evolving needs. Consider us your flexible allies, always ready to tackle whatever challenges come our way.

  • What support do you provide after we've recruited a candidate?

    Our support doesn't end once a candidate is recruited. We believe in fostering long-term relationships with our clients. We provide ongoing support, regular check-ins, and assistance with any challenges that may arise. We’re your partners in success, here to support you every step of the way.

  • How do you handle challenges that may arise during the staffing process?

    Challenges are opportunities to shine and demonstrate expertise. Our seasoned  team is adept at problem-solving and navigating obstacles . We foster  open communication and transparency, ensuring that any challenges are addressed promptly and effectively. With NaNLABS by your side, you can tackle any challenge with confidence.

Ready to expand your team?

Whether it's for a question or a quote, we'd love to hear from you.