Elton AI - Seamless Expense Management Powered by React Native

Elton AI - Seamless Expense Management Powered by React Native

Revolutionize expense reporting with Elton AI: Bye-bye crumpled receipts, wasted hours, and inaccurate figures. Empower your team and business with NaNLABS.


The Challenge

Did you know that employees spend an average of 3 to 5 hours on manual expense reporting each month? Beyond the drain on productivity, the financial toll on companies is staggering. With every manual expense report processed, businesses face an estimated cost ranging from $26 to $40. Even worse, the variety of expense receipts is a major hurdle. Handwritten notes, crumpled documents, old and faded invoices–all pose obstacles for traditional systems. This complexity further increases the time and cost burden on employees and businesses alike. When multiplied across the workforce, this expense can accumulate to thousands or even millions of dollars annually, depending on the organization's size.

But it's not just about the dollars lost. Manual expense reporting often opens the door to a host of issues including errors, delays, and compliance headaches. From duplicate reimbursements to missed deadlines and regulatory violations, the repercussions can be far-reaching.

Elton AI recognized the need for a solution that would not only save time but also provide accurate financial insights for enterprises. But traditional OCR systems often struggled with the sheer variety of receipts – handwritten, wrinkled, faded, or in unexpected formats.  To meet this demand, they partnered with NaNLABS to develop a cutting-edge mobile app. Elton AI sought a solution to streamline expense reporting, empowering employees while offering companies accurate financial tracking.

NaNLABS: The Mobile App Experts

As experienced mobile app developers, NaNLABS understands the value of efficiency and cross-platform compatibility. We're also well-versed in emerging technologies that enhance the user experience. The Elton AI project was the perfect opportunity to leverage our expertise in React Native for a cost-effective, streamlined mobile application.

Ready to build your own custom mobile app with a team that cares about you and your processes? We’re not code monkeys, we care about you.

The Solution: A React Native Powerhouse

We collaborated closely with Elton AI to design an intuitive app that transforms expense reporting. At the heart of the solution lies a sophisticated OCR (Optical Character Recognition) system fueled by machine learning, specifically designed to tackle the wide range of receipt formats employees encounter. Key features include:

  • Seamless Receipt Capture: Users snap a photo, and the intelligent OCR system instantly extracts relevant expense data.

  • Data Enrichment: The app seamlessly integrates with other data sources (e.g., calendars, credit cards) to complete expense reports effortlessly.

  • Streamlined Review: Users enjoy a simple interface to review and submit expenses.

  • React Native Advantage: A single codebase for both iOS and Android, optimizing development resources, accelerating release cycles, and minimizing maintenance overheads.

"The Elton AI project was a true testament to the power of React Native and our ability to collaborate closely with clients. Seeing the positive impact our app has on both employee experience and streamlined financial reporting has been incredibly rewarding. Our team was particularly proud of the seamless integration and accuracy of the machine learning models." 

Collaborative Design for Optimal User Experience

Understanding the need for a trust-centric approach, we invested heavily in a frictionless onboarding process. Our user-centered design principles were reflected in meticulous iterations of both UI and copywriting. Our development team parallelly ensured the robustness of the machine learning models behind the app's intelligent features.

Success by Design

The outcome is a highly efficient and user-friendly mobile app. Elton AI redefines expense management with:

  • Automated Expense Reporting: Effortless for employees, saving them valuable time.

  • Real-time Financial Insights: Accurate spending data for informed decision-making by employers.

  • React Native Efficiency: Simplified development, deployment, and maintenance.


  • Problem: Time-consuming expense reporting and lack of real-time financial control.

  • Solution: Machine-learning powered React Native mobile app with OCR and data integration.

  • Results: Increased employee satisfaction, accurate spending insights for employers, and development cost savings.


The Elton AI case study demonstrates our strengths:

  • Extensive Mobile Development Experience: Proven track record in delivering successful mobile apps.

  • React Native Mastery: Expertise in building high-performance, cross-platform apps efficiently.

  • User-Centric Design: Focus on intuitive and engaging user experiences.

  • Collaborative Approach: Close partnership with clients to achieve aligned goals.

  • Forward-Thinking / Scalable Development: Expertise in building apps designed for scalability and adaptability. We remain at the forefront of development trends to future-proof your mobile solutions and support your evolving business needs. 

Ready to transform your business with innovative mobile solutions? 

Contact us today.