React Native app

Keep A Breast – Mobile App Revitalization with React Native

ReactNative and Firebase

Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails

NaNLABS is a leading mobile app development agency with a proven track record of delivering exceptional mobile experiences. We partnered with the Keep A Breast Foundation (KAB), a non-profit championing breast cancer education, to transform their "Check Yourself!" mobile app. Leveraging our React Native expertise, we significantly enhanced the app's performance, user experience, global reach, and overall maintainability.

Meet The Keep A Breast Foundation

Keep A Breast Foundation's mission is to reduce breast cancer risks globally through art, education, prevention, and action. Their "Check Yourself!" mobile app is vital to this effort, providing users with critical information and step-by-step self-check tutorials.

The Challenge

When KAB approached NaNLABS, their existing app, while visually impactful, faced challenges in performance, user experience, scalability and reaching a global audience.. Their primary objectives were to:

  • Revitalize the User Experience (UX): Deliver a seamless, intuitive, and engaging user journey.

  • Boost Performance: Address loading times, storage inefficiencies, and overall responsiveness.

  • Prepare for the Future: Establish a technology foundation that supports effortless growth and updates.

The NaNLABS Solution: React Native and Beyond

Recognizing the unique requirements of the project, NaNLABS proposed a comprehensive solution centered on React Native, image optimization strategies, strategic backend enhancements, and a focus on internationalization:

React Native Front-End Transformation

We championed the migration from CoronaLabs to React Native to create a dynamic, interactive user interface. This brought numerous advantages:

  • Cross-Platform Efficiency: React Native's single codebase empowered simultaneous development for iOS and Android, streamlining the process and reducing costs.

  • Enhanced User Experience: The shift to a code-based interface facilitated smoother interactions, significantly reduced the app size (from 40 MB to 8 MB) through image optimization, and simplified future updates.

Firebase Back-End for Streamlined Management:

We migrated the back-end from Ruby on Rails to Firebase, offering:

  • Simplified Data Management: Firebase offered a user-friendly platform for KAB to manage app data efficiently.

  • Essential Features Enabled: Features like push notifications for self-check reminders and robust analytics for user insights became possible with Firebase.

Deployment and App Store Expertise

NaNLABS went beyond development, assisting KAB with the app store validation processes and ensuring a smooth deployment for both iOS and Android.

Ready to build your own custom mobile app with a team that cares about you and your processes? We’re not code monkeys, we care about you.

Partnership in Every Step

NaNLABS believes in a collaborative approach. We worked closely with the KAB team, prioritizing:

  • Transparency: Maintaining open communication channels to understand KAB's vision and align seamlessly with their goals.

  • Agile Decision-Making: Enabling efficient decision-making to keep the project moving forward.

  • Artistic Integrations: Partnered with KAB to seamlessly implement artist-designed interface updates for two consecutive years.

Results: A Global Platform Empowering Users

Our partnership significantly enhanced KAB's "Check Yourself!" app, resulting in:

  • Empowering User Experience: The revitalized app offers a seamless, engaging, and informative self-check experience for a global audience.

  • Reach Expansion: Improved performance and reduced app size enabled KAB to reach a wider audience worldwide, amplifying their impact on breast cancer education.

  • Internationalization Expertise: To support KAB's mission of global impact, NaNLABS carefully implemented several additional languages to the app's interface. This meticulous process, necessitated by the shift to React Native, significantly broadened the app's reach and accessibility.

  • Image Handling for Global Accessibility: We carefully analyzed image usage within the app, employing React Native's resizeMode property and image optimization techniques to ensure assets were scaled appropriately for different devices. This resulted in significantly faster loading times and reduced data consumption, making the app more accessible to users worldwide, especially those with limited data plans.

  • Cost-Effective Development: React Native's single codebase significantly reduced development time and costs compared to supporting two separate platforms.

  • Future-Proof Foundation: The scalable and modern tech stack positions KAB's app to effortlessly integrate new features and seamlessly accommodate future growth.

Impressive Adoption: The optimized app has garnered significant traction with over 10,000 installs on the App Store and between 10,000-50,000 installs on Google Play. Additionally, reviewers have given it 5 out of 5 stars.

"Teaming up with Keep A Breast Foundation for the Check Yourself! app was an incredible journey. Choosing React Native was a game-changer, saving time and money while crafting a top-notch app experience. And landing a solid 5-star rating in the Apple App Store? That's the cherry on top! Huge kudos to our amazing team and heartfelt thanks to Keep A Breast for letting us be part of something truly impactful."

Why Choose NaNLABS

  • Extensive Mobile App Development Experience: NaNLABS brings a wealth of expertise in crafting best-in-class mobile experiences.

  • React Native Mastery: Our deep understanding of React Native positions us to create highly performant, cross-platform apps efficiently.

  • Partnership Approach: We act as strategic partners, offering guidance and recommending solutions that align with your unique needs.

  • Focus on Scalability: We prioritize technology choices that lay a solid foundation for your app's growth.

Let's collaborate to bring your mobile app vision to life!

Contact us today to discuss your project.